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Trust Pharmacy ( website is not intended to provide diagnostic, treatment or medical advice. Products, services, information and other materials presented on this website, including information that can be provided on this website directly or by linking to third-party websites are provided only in informational purposes. Please consult your doctor about any medical and health related diagnoses and treatment methods.

The information provided on this website and related websites, including information related to diseases, health conditions, treatment and products can be summarized. Information on this website, including any product labels or packaging, should not be construed as a substitute for consultation with a doctor. The website does not recommend self-management in health matters. The information on this website is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, illnesses, physical conditions or their treatment. Consult your doctor immediately if you have any health related questions. Never neglect or put off the advice of a doctor only on the basis of the information that you read on the website.

You should not use the information or services on this site to diagnose or treat any health issues or prescribe any medication or other treatment methods. You should always consult your healthcare provider and read the information provided by the product manufacturer on the product label or its packaging, before using any medicine, food, herbal or homeopathic supplements, before starting any diet or exercise program, or starting any health treatment. All people are different and can react differently to diverse products. You should consult your doctor about the interactions of the medicines you are taking with nutritional supplements. The comments made on this site by employees or users of the site are strictly personal considerations expressed in their own understanding, and are not statements made by us. Testimonials on the products of this or a previous employee or site user are strictly personal considerations expressed in their own understanding and are not meant as a substitute for proper medical care or advice from a doctor.

Always check product labels or packaging before using it. If there is any discrepancy, the customer should follow the information provided on the product label or packaging. You should contact the manufacturer directly and explain the labeling and packaging details of the parts and recommendations for their use.

Trust Pharmacy is not responsible for any information provided on this site regarding the recommendation of supplements for any medical purpose. Products or statements regarding specific nutrients or products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Food is not intended to treat, prevent, or cure diseases. Consult your doctor before starting any diet, supplement, or exercise program. Trust Pharmacy makes no warranties with respect to any products or services sold.